TriStar Church is teaming up with Feeding the Orphans, a Knoxville based non-profit serving Ghana in West Africa to explore a long term partnership between TriStar Church and a local Ghana Church planted by Feed the Orphans. FTO's strategic vision for ministry provides the following to the beautiful people of Ghana:

Community Care
Community Care

Feeding the Orphans works hard to identify the real needs of the communities they are praying to reach.  By first providing clean water wells for the community to access clean, fresh water, they gain an opportunity to share the Gospel with the people living in the community through Gospel Crusades.  From there, with the believers who have responded to the Gospel, FTO builds a local church and appoints a young pastor to lead the church that FTO has discipled focused on discipling and continuing to reach their community.  To date, FTO has dug over 23 wells, and planted 7 churches in Ghana.

Orphan Care
Orphan Care

Almost every community has been plauged by a substantial orphan crisis.  Once a church and ministry center has been established in the community, they work to establish an Orphanage to help shelter some of these young kids who have no families to do this for them.  Along with food and shelter, these kids are raised in a family structure at the orphanage focused on modeling the Gospel and Jesus for them.  Kids who are a part of the homes, are avalialbe for both sponsorship through FTO and adoption.  Currently FTO is operating 6 different children’s homes in Ghana.

Family Care
Family Care

One of the things that make FTO unique is its efforts to help keep Ghanaian family units intact.  FTO has encouraged local Ghanaians to adopt many of the orphans they care for, using generous donations for supporters to help these families provide for the kids.  They also are committed to local Foster Care and Child reunification when possible.


While in Ghana, our team will partner with two other churches from the Koinonia Network to provide much-needed training for the pastors and their wives from the local churches that FTO has planted. Many of these pastors have very little ministry training, training on how to teach the Bible, or even the resources to study and prepare sermons. We will be taking over trunks of commentaries for the pastors, training materials, as well as plenty of books and educational supplies for the orphanages! We will also travel to see all their ministry projects while there and meet with each of their local churches to determine if we can long-term partner with one of their churches!


Prayer Requests
  • Safe Travel for our team to and from Ghana.
  • Overall protection and health of the team while in Ghana.
  • Wisdom and leading of the Holy Spirit for (Brad, Kyle, and Matt) as they preach in several local churches on Sunday, 4/21.
  • Anointing for both conferences to meet the needs of the pastors and their wives.
  • The Holy Spirit works in advance to open up divine opportunities and providential circumstances to share the Gospel and hope of Jesus!
  • Physical safety for our team.
  • Protection from spiritual warfare.
  • The native pastors would be encouraged, strengthened, and equipped for the work the Lord has called them to.
Support Financially

This trip will cost around $5,00o for us to participate.  Through your support financially we can lessen the personal cost for those who are participating in the trip.  If you would like to give towards this trip, click the button below!  Make sure the select “Africa” as your fund to give to.