Core Beliefs
Beliefs can be classified as Core or Shared. We believe that the following core beliefs are essential for attaining Salvation and are explicitly stated in Scripture without exception. Our shared beliefs are not vital for salvation and may not be clearly and unambiguously addressed in Scripture. It is crucial for our church to establish a clear position on these shared beliefs to ensure that we remain united and cohesive as a community. Our teachings and ministries are rooted in the following biblical core beliefs.
One purpose of Jesus Christ’s life was to restore our relationship with God. He lived a sinless life and willingly sacrificed himself on the cross to pay for our mistakes. God resurrected him, and now, by His mercy, offers eternal life as a free gift to anyone who confesses Jesus as their Lord and believes in His resurrection. Salvation cannot be earned by our actions but is a gift from God. We believe that all true believers will be kept safe in Christ forever and will show evidence of a changed life.
Shared Beliefs
If you want to know more about our Shared Beliefs, please get in touch with us! We have established an official position on the following topics and would love to talk with potential partners and attendees about our position on these matters.
- Scripture
- The Church
- Church Government
- Marriage
- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
- Social Justice Issues
"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."